Monday 23 April 2012

Energy Released from Combustion Reaction

During chemical reactions, energy is either released to the environment (exothermic reaction) or absorbed from the environment (endothermic reaction). During chemical reactions, bonds are broken in the reactants and new ones are made in the products. Bond-breaking is an endothermic process and bond-making is an exothermic process. The average bond dissociation energies of some chemical bonds are shown in the following table.
Selected Bond Energies
BondBond Energy(kJ/mole)BondBond Energy(kJ/mole)
C-H410C=C (aromatic)519
For any chemical reaction, the overall energy change, the enthalpy of reaction(DH), is the difference of all the energy absorbed in bond-breaking and all the energy released in bond-making.
DH = S BE(bonds broken)- SBE(bonds formed)

Combustion energetics can be estimated from the bond energies for all the classifications of fossil fuels. The amount of energy released is dependent on the oxidation state of the carbons in the hydrocarbon which is related to the hydrogen/carbon ratio. The more hydrogen per carbon, the lower the oxidation state and the more energy that will be released during the oxidation reaction. Thus the greater the H/C ratio, the more energy release on combustion.

Every mole of methane (16 g) releases 810 KJ of energy on burning.

Petroleum has a large saturated hydrocarbons content. For estimating energy content, we can consider the molecule to consist of multiple -CH2-units. For calculating the expected energy release per CH2 unit, the energy of two C-H bonds and one C-C bond (since the carbon joins two neighboring groups and we are averaging) would be used which gives an energy content similar to that of methane ("natural gas"). However, petroleum also can contain a significant fraction of aromatic molecules depending on the nature of the petroleum distillate product. For example crude oil has an energy content of about 45.2 kJ/g while gasoline has a higher value of about 48.1 kJ/mole because it contains a smaller fraction of aromatics.

Coal is composed of primarily aromatic hydrocarbons, so we can consider the molecule to consist of multiple -CH- units. The actual average energy release per gram of coal from combustion is less than the predicted value since coal contains significant amounts of water and minerals. Hard coals such as bituminous or anthracite have larger energy content (29-33 kJ/g) than the soft sub-bituminous or lignite coals (17-21 kJ/g).

The average hydrogen/carbon ratios show that the degree of unsaturation increases from natural gas through petroleum to coal. The amount of carbon dioxide released per mole also increases as the amount of unsaturation increases. Since carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, from this data, it would appear that burning coal would have a larger greenhouse effect than burning natural gas.

Ethanol (CH3CH2OH, a biomass derived fuel) is more highly oxidized than a hydrocarbon since it contains an oxygen and gives off significantly less energy on combustion than petroleum. Gasohol is a gasoline/ethanol mixture.
  • Ethanol has a greater density
    0.79 g/cc vs 0.70 g/cc
    12% more ethanol per tank
  • Ethanol has a lower energy density
    27.3 kJ vs. 43.6 kJ
    produces ~40% less energy per gram

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